Through a series of six arguments, we are able to determine exactly what the cause of the universe is: an uncaused, supernatural, super powerful, intelligent being possessing free will. Here is my expansion of the classical "Cosmological Argument" for the existence of God:
ARGUMENT 1 (Cosmological Argument): (1) everything that begins to exist has a cause. (2) the universe began to exist. (3) therefore, the universe has a cause. ARGUMENT 2: (1) No effect can influence its own causation. (2) time, space, and matter are the effect of “the cause of the universe”. (3) therefore, “the cause of the universe” is not influenced by time, space, and matter.
ARGUMENT 3: (1) linear causality (cause & effect) is linked to time. (2) therefore, without time, there is no linear causality (cause & effect) (3) therefore, nothing outside of time can be (linearly) caused.
ARGUMENT 4: (1) nothing outside of time can be caused. (2) “the cause of the universe” is outside of time. (3) therefore, “the cause of the universe” was itself uncaused.
ARGUMENT 5: (1) only free agents are able to perform actions without (external) cause. (2) “the cause of the universe” created the universe without (external) cause. (3) therefore, “the cause of the universe” is a free agent.
ARGUMENT 6: (1) only intelligent living beings are free agents. (2) “the cause of the universe” is a free agent. (3) therefore, “the cause of the universe” is an intelligent living being.
SIMPLIFIED The universe has a cause, outside of time, space, and matter. This “cause of the universe” is itself uncaused and a free agent due to its ability to create without prior linear causation. Since only intelligent living beings can be free agents, that is what the “cause of the universe is: an uncaused supernatural (outside of nature) super powerful intelligent being possessing free will. This is how Christians would describe "God".