When Jesus gave the Great Commission to His disciples, there were many important commands embedded in it, including baptizing others in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But what does that mean exactly?
Here, Jonathan explains what Baptism is and how it is meant to be practiced.
Christian Apologetics is “the art of offering reasons why Christianity is true.” This practice goes all the way back to the very beginning of our faith. Yet, despite this solid apologetic foundation, there has recently been a growing suspicion against apologetics in Christian circles. Many are now even voicing strong disdain for Christian case-making. Is this opposition biblically valid?
Did Jesus actually rise from the dead? Don't misunderstand me: I'm not asking a religious faith question; I'm asking a historical question. Did Jesus actually rise from the dead in real space and time in this physical flesh-and-bones world we live in? I (along with many historical scholars much wiser than me) believe he did - and we can prove it too.
As much as the practice of tithing is pushed by our faithful pastors and church leaders, the average percentage churchgoers actually give is approximately 5% – half of the 10% tithe.
Is this a sign of unfaithfulness in God’s people or have we simply misunderstood the Bible?
What is beauty? The most common answer is “that which is pleasing to the senses”. The adage, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” speaks to this answer. In this view, beauty is entirely subjective. Nothing is itself beautiful. There is no beauty within the object itself, only in the perception of the subject. I would like to challenge this assumption.
“Lord are you there?” “Lord the pain hurts too much, so why aren’t You taking it away?”
At some point in our lives, even as followers of Jesus, one of these questions has either passed from our lips or landed on our minds. This raises the question, “Is it wrong for me to cry out to the Lord?"
Occasionally, when we enter into a new culture, we still use terms that we know the background and use of, but nobody else does! Because of this, we sometimes need to explain what we’re talking about and define our terms – even with words we use all the time. This may feel strange to us, but it’s necessary in order to get across the message of Christianity. One such word is “justification”.
Social Media has taken the world by storm - with billions of users spanning across all of the world's continents. Everyone is using it, with that "everyone" growing exceedingly larger every year. After years of this type of technology, the effects of social media have become readily apparent: it's addictive and changes people.
Most people, when they first hear about Molinism are confused. Talks of "Middle Knowledge" and "Possible Worlds" seems to smack of new-age philosophical shenanigans. But upon closer investigation, it's actually a very Biblical way of understanding salvation and predestination.